Devlog 2 - Basic Rooms + Animation Update

Hey everyone! 

Today's log has a few small but nice changes that are setting the project up for the big ones coming soon, actual gameplay. First of all are the brand new animations included for most player states such as wall sliding and falling/jumping (idle and running were the only ones included and they were kinda working). These were actually prepared for in earlier builds as I had set up the Unity animator states and even set them up within the player movement script (they are simple boolean checks that the animator uses, set true/false depending on the player inputs in the player script). But now I have finally gone through the effort of making them. 

Aaaaand here they are. I like the general motion and posing of them all but the jacket moves too much and should instead slightly shift in the wind in a wavy style. I'll probably change these and update them more as the game progresses for the previously stated reasons but also because I feel like it could do with some readjustments here and there.

You might also realise that the player changed colour. Well that's because I finished with the simple shader I made for the player. All it does is replace the terribly off coloured areas of the base player sprite (pink hair, yellow shoes and a few new ones if you saw the previous log) with colours that I can customise from anywhere which is part of my plan to randomise the player for each run. Along with this, if I have the time, I'd really like to go through and create a long haired female version of the player (which would require editing each animation) to help create the unique player feel. The hair, shoes and skin colour are all customisable and all I have to do is give a simple base colour for each!

And with this terrible tile map I created, I've been testing out a few rough level designs. All that was done here is creating simple square tiles and a slab tile (that is just a square tile with its collider halved) meaning I can create level layouts in very little time. Rooms in this game are not something I am going to put too much time into as for what I have planned, all that is required are a handful of crafted levels that can be swapped in or out each time a player survives an objective. The most I'll do for rooms is create a nice tile set so that levels look good, maybe make some more custom tiles for more details and variation, and create those couple rooms I need, but that'll come a bit later.

There were a few tweaks with the player movement, mainly just me playing with numbers but I think the jump feels a lot less floaty and over all, the controls feel better to use. Horizontal velocity is lost when hitting the ground at high speeds which is a bit weird so I will look into it and try fixing it cause it doesn't feel right. Other than a few minor adjustments here and there, I don't think anything major will happen to the movement system as it provides everything the game needs. Crouching and sliding at this point would probably be useless and more of a gimmick than actually add to the experience.

So that is all for now! What I am planning to add in the near future is the random selection of rooms, giving a random objective to the player every time a room is loaded and being able to actually complete the objectives sending you to the next one. An extra addition I might implement would be to randomise the players shader colours (from a select few that will be defined. Sorry, no smurfs ;-;) to create that random appearance feature.

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Apr 30, 2023

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